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DePaul University

Chicago, USA

Avdat in Late Antiquity Project Team

Israel Antiquities Authority


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Dr. Erickson-Gini obtained her Ph.D. from The Hebrew University in Jerusalem and for the past twenty years has been employed as an archaeologist for the Israel Antiquities Authority in the Southern Negev District. She is one of the leading specialists in the archaeology of the Negev Desert in the Hellenistic and Roman periods. Her research focuses on Nabataean culture and she is the author of numerous publications, including the book, Nabataean Settlement and Self-organized Economy in the Central Negev: Crisis and Renewal (British Archaeological Reports, 2010).

Photo: T. Erickson-Gini


The Avdat in Late Antiquity Project is extremely pleased to have partnered with a major bio-archaeological project being undertaken in the Negev region: Crisis on the Margins of the Byzantine Empire (CMBE). This project, directed by Prof. Guy Bar-Oz of the Zinman Institute of Archaeology at the University of Haifa, shares our larger goal of better understanding settlement dynamics in the Byzantine Negev. The large amount of extremely well-preserved organic material found during our 2016 field season will be analyzed by the CMBE team and we are grateful to Prof. Bar-Oz for sharing his expertise, staff, and resources with us. Click on the banner above for more information about CMBE

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                       © 2016 by SCOTT BUCKING

Unless otherwise noted, all photography by SCOTT BUCKING

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